Port Infrastructure

SOPL has as a strong professional setup at the ports of Kolkata, Haldia, Paradip. Vizag, Kakinada, Krishnapatnam & Belekeri to effect timely shipments. The facilities include manual/ mechanical loading, a 4000 Sq.mtrs. plot inside the Port Area just a few hundred meters from the main jettys in order to stack Dry Bulk Cargo.

Strong Presence and experience of discharging bulk cargoes at various Chinese Ports have given SOPL an edge in handling its consignments in a timely and efficient manner.

In the Western ports of Mundra, Kandla & Mumbai SOPL has acquired covered godown spaces and Warehouses in order to store bulk/ packaged cargo for exports.

There is a team setup at every port to monitor regular shipments and maintain stocks at optimum levels. To maintian the grade and quality of the cargo, SOPL gets regular inspections and analysis done at the sourcing point as well as the ports from Agencies like SGS, TCRC, Mitra S.K, Inspector Griffith, Intertek etc..


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